Tuesday, December 16, 2008

22-word kid story

Abraham Piper has a challenge on his blog this week that is pretty interesting: This week tell a 22-word kid story on your blog.

So here is my feeble entry:

The boys had completely missed the point and began discussing who would win a fight between Goliath, a bear, and a lion.


Ed de Blieck said...

A very "boy" conversation. Have you ever heard a girl having a conversation like that?


Amelia Antwiler said...

I've known girls to join in those conversations - but not typically start them, because obviously, Goliath would win.

Interesting concept - a 22 word story. I wonder if I can do it. :-)

tryonirs said...

What about this one. "The little mouse looked so cute as it stood up on it's hind legs - then ran over to the mouse trap and..."
Some may say this is not a "kid's story". But they forget the ending - "smelled the cheese. Then, remembering what his mother had said about mouse traps, ran off to play with his brothers."

Amelia Antwiler said...

Mine would be from Monday.

"The ground was covered with sleet and ice.
The children excitedly bundled up to play.
The ground is now covered with children."

Anonymous said...

I really like this story. Having raised 4 boy that are 2 yrs. apart from end to end (1 set of twins), I can totally hear this happening!